What could your company do with $150,000 savings?

Our services will save a prominent accounting firm more than $150,000 over a 5-year span.

A prominent accounting firm headquartered in the Pacific Northwest needed to settle on a single solution to handle their growing backup challenges. Eagle worked with the firm to solve backup issues including cost, management and limited storage space for their business critical data.


  • The company had acquired several smaller firms and was using seven different tools for backup and replication; which was causing management, support and budget challenges.
  • Backups of more than 20 remote sites to the central data center was a struggle.
  • None of their existing solutions offered reporting or search capabilities.
  • Because they were running out of backup storage, they were forced to utilize tier 1 storage to help house backups.


By analyzing the firm’s storage and backup environments with Eagle Recon and a backup assessment, Eagle was able to analyze their environment and determine a solution to meet their requirements. Eagle utilized CommVault Simpana as a single unified solution to replicate, backup, and deduplicate their data. Depduplication added a huge cost and storage benefit, allowing the customer to reclaim capacity on their higher tiers of storage while also allowing for data replication from primary storage back to the main data center. In addition, the firm was also able to take advantage of search and reporting features from CommVault which allowed them to have more simplified access and granular reporting of their backup data. To complete this solution, Eagle also implemented Eagle Watch level-1 support which provides first level support for their backup environment directly through Eagle’s support team.


  • Reduced support costs: CommVault’s unified backup platform allowed the customer to address all of their challenges with a single solution and with a single support contract.
  • Reduced storage costs: by minimizing the total amount of data backed up with deduplication Eagle was able to free up costly tier 1 storage and minimize TB’s of backup storage required.
  • Backup windows met: by utilizing a single solution and minimizing the amount of data to be backed up the customer is now able to meet backup window.
  • The customer will save more than $150,000 over a five-year span on backups and archive alone.

For more information on Eagle’s backup, disaster recovery, storage, data management and virtualization services contact your Eagle Account Executive or call us at 800.477.5432 to connect today.